It's corn boil season folks, and I've just about had my fill. So what does one do with excess amounts of freshly cooked Peaches 'n Cream corn on the cob? Toss it in everything. Especially that egg salad pita sandwich you're craving. What? Nobody craves that? I'm answering my own questions now?
I crave that, and yes, I also answer myself, much to everyone's annoyance.
The Food Monstar's Corny Egg Salad Sandwich2 soft boiled eggs1 cooked and cooled
corn on the cob1 juicy
tomato1 generous tbsp low-fat mayo (I choose no-fat Miracle Whip, I know it's not mayo)
1 tsp whole-grain dijon1 - 2 tbsp finely chopped
chives2 tbsp finely grated
old cheddar (lactose free for me)
freshly cracked black pepper
dash of cayenne
dash of parsleyHow to:There are so many ways to cook eggs; I gently place eggs with a slotted spoon in boiling water for 7 minutes. If they happen to crack (I hate that), quickly take them out and rub with a lemon wedge all over, it'll seal the cracks.
If you're super fast you can prepare the rest of the ingredients in the time the eggs cook. I cannot, so I prepped.
Chop tomato, mix in a dash of salt, cracked pepper, and parsley.
Remove corn from cob by cutting with a sharp knife, cob standing up, from top to bottom.
(insert pretend illustration here)Chop the chives, grate the cheese.
OH! What's that challenger? You thought you could prep in time eh? Tick tock tick tock.. Seven minutes are up!! Quickly remove the eggs with slotted spoon and run under cold water to stop them from cooking.
Crack the shell by tapping it on the counter, cracking the whole surface of the egg, it makes it easier to peel if you're one of those guys who thinks the only thing they can cook is eggs, when in fact, they stuggle with even that. :P Also, I said "tapping" not "smashing" the egg on the counter. Nobody likes shell-surprise in their sandwich.
Mush the egg with a fork in a bowl, incorporate the mayo and mustard grains. Add tomato, corn, chives, cheese, more pepper and cayenne.
Spoon into your favorite bread. I used a lebanese pita and it filled both sides nicely. Might be enough for two regular bread sammies if you're a light eater and feel like sharing, or one helfty sandwich if you eat like me. (I eat like me.)